
出国留学,不仅是为了一纸文凭 | 教育的价值:登高望远(三)

2017-08-02 汇丰调查 汇丰中国





International horizons 

Rajika Bhandari

Head of Research, Policy and Practice, 

Institute of International Education, Inc.


"More than four million students around the world enroll in higher education outside of their home countries, seeking to gain international skills that will prepare them to work in the global economy.



An increasing number of students are choosing education abroad as an investment in their future, as employers are increasingly looking for workers who have international experience, cross-cultural competence and language skills."



Essential experience

Studying at university abroad challenges students at a personal level, but can also have a positive impact on their academic and employment career. In today's globalised world, a university education in a different country is a real option.



Over half (54%) of parents would consider a university education abroad for their child, and they are more likely to consider a postgraduate education (49%) than an undergraduate education abroad (32%).



OECD data supports this, with 53% of all foreign students enrolled in tertiary education worldwide coming from Asian countries1



Millennial parents are the most likely to consider a university education abroad, with 66% considering this option for their child, compared to 48% of parents from earlier generations.


1OECD Education Indicators in Focus 14, July 2013



Top destinations

Of parents in China who would consider university education abroad for their child, many have a preferred country in mind where they would like their child to study.


The USA is their most popular choice: 61% would consider sending their child to university there. Australia (46%) is the second most popular choice, followed by the UK (42%).


Fathers (67%) are more likely to consider the USA as a destination than mothers (56%), while mothers (36%) are more likely to consider France than fathers (20%).


Parents in the Pearl River Delta (46%) are more likely to favour the UK as a destination, compared to parents from other regions of China (36%). In contrast, parents in other regions of China (35%) are more likely to favour Canada than parents in the Pearl River Delta (28%).  



Selecting a university abroad

Many parents considering university education abroad for their child have specific universities in mind that they would like their child to attend. Over two-fifths (43%) have particular universities in mind, with mothers (45%) more likely than fathers (40%).


The quality of teaching on offer (54%), the prestige associated with the university (48%) and the university being ranked highly for research in university league tables (42%) are the top three criteria when considering particular universities abroad.

在考虑去哪所海外高校留学时,三大主要因素分别为:教学质量(54%)、学校声誉 (48%) 以及该校在大学排行榜的研究排名领先(42%)。

Parents in the Pearl River Delta are more likely to place importance on a university being ranked highly overall in university league tables (44%) and on opening up more job opportunities for their child (41%), than parents in other regions of China (34% and 32%).


Yet nearly a fifth (19%) of parents do not know how much it would cost for their child to study at university abroad.



Powerful enabler

From developing soft skills to widening core abilities, parents see a range of benefits to completing a university education in a different country.


According to parents considering university abroad for their child, foreign language skills (52%), exposure to new experiences, ideas and cultures (49%) and breadth of experience (49%) are the main benefits.  


Parents from earlier generations are more likely to see foreign language skills (56%), breadth of experience (54%) and exposure to new experiences (51%) as the biggest benefits of a university education abroad, compared to millennial parents (46%, 42% and 47%).


Mothers (48%) are more likely to see gaining independence as a main benefit, compared to fathers (42%). In contrast, fathers (47%) are more likely to see a main benefit as the stronger appeal to international companies when searching for a job, compared to mothers (41%).



New challenges

While there are many benefits to studying abroad, children being away from home can be a big challenge for all the family. Of parents considering university abroad for their child, 42% say the lack of safety and/or security in the destination country is a potential barrier.


Parents also see emotional factors as barriers, with 34% being concerned that their child will get homesick and 30% worrying about missing their child.


Parents in China (34%) are less likely than the survey average (40%) to cite the higher cost to them as a barrier.


Fathers are more likely to see the lack of safety/security (46%) and political instability (33%) in the destination country as barriers, while mothers are more likely to cite themselves or their partner missing their child (35%). Forty-six percent of parents from earlier generations say that the lack of safety/security is a barrier, compared to 36% of millennial parents.



Other international experiences

University education abroad is not the only international experience that parents value for their child: around two-fifths (42%) would consider a work placement in another country, and a similar proportion (39%) would consider a study abroad programme.


Millennial parents (44%) are more likely than parents from earlier generations (37%) to consider a study abroad programme, and are more likely to consider a school exchange programme (36% and 22% respectively).


Over a third (35%) of mothers would consider their child living in another country with a host family, compared to a quarter (25%) of fathers.




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教育成本,不得不考虑的支出 | 教育的价值:登高望远(二)

教育,人类发展和繁荣的基石 | 教育的价值:登高望远(一)


